
Twitter Rehydration


We currently embed two components for geolocation.


One is based on the online endpoint provided by geonames. This component is going to try to disambiguate the location field in user profiles


The second component uses the OpenStreetMap endpoint. By default this is going to use the default online server from OpenStreetMap.


However, this endpoint limits query to 1 per second. You can download your local endpoint of open street map and update the code as follows once ready:

NominatimDecoder(server_url="localhost:8889/search", sleep_time=0)

Demographics Attributes

M3 Inference Classifier

We are currently implementing another classifier based on the FairFace.

General Classification

We support any HuggingFace classifier by default.

Word Counters


Twitter Demographer supports LIWC counters. The component assumes you have access to a LIWC dictionary. Instantiating the component is very easy.

le = LIWCAnalyzer("liwc_file.dic")

The results on a single text should more or less look like this. Where each category of LIWC appears as a column with the respective count.

                            text                                        screen_name  LIWC_A  LIWC_Bravo
0  Any alpha bravo charlie Bravo  9f6ceda15ffa18bf2b27ec85880c6fa72a2ed139bb5d03...       2           2

Topic Modeling

We include CTM by default but we are working on adding additional text clustering methods for your data. CTM can be used on multilingual data.